Friday, April 4, 2014

Homework Help

After an evening that consisted of dinner, a bottle of wine and snuggling in bed, the old roomie and I were up to our old tricks: messing with his mother. She called because his sister was working on a project for school that needed some stories for a family tree. Since I made the executive decision to be part of their family, I determined that the best way to do this project would be for both he and I to respond to the questions and allow his sister to choose which answer was better. The following was the result:
1. Most memorable moment from early childhood.
-When I was learning to ride my bike, my mom, sisters and I were going on the path to Mahoney Park. My older sister was mean and told me that if I fell off my bike, I would be grounded. Of course I was nervous so when we turned the curve to go onto the bike path, I fell into a garbage can full of freshly mowed grass. I'm pretty sure I left with numerous wounds, a very bruised ego, and a fear of bikes/my sister.
- When I was a little girl, I once stole a pen from KMart. It wasn't a pink sparkly gel pen, though one might think. I really wanted a nice pen to draw and I just put it in my pocket and left with my mom. That night, she saw the pen that I had asked for in the store and immediately knew what had happened. My mom took me back to KMart and made me explain what I did. Waitresses, doctor's offices and Domino's delivery drivers fear me.

2. Most memorable moment from high school years.
- My time spent as Year Book Editor was a big accomplishment, as it offered many benefits. I got to meet fun people, go to school events, and have lots of fun. This may have included skipping class.
- I don't remember high school. It was too long ago, I was kind of naughty and drank a lot.

3. Most memorable historical event in your lifetime.
- When I discovered Joseph Gordon Levitt in 10 Things I Hate About You. My life hasn't been the same.
- The day that I met NotsoCarrie, the destruction of all mankind, is tied with the day Elton John came out of the closet.

4. Describe an event in your family ( funny or serious) that stands out in your memory.
- The morning my father passed away.
- Ditto.
(Betcha can't guess who wrote that)

5. Most memorable vacation
- Puerto Vallarta, if I could remember it. hehe
- This time I went to Mexico with an ambitious, attractive, older man. Prior to the trip, everyone asked if we were getting engaged. During our stay, we were given honeymoon upgrades, newly-wed limos and treated like the hottest young couple. I broke up with him two weeks later.
Dear family,
Please use your judgement to determine which child is the one you need.
Also, he will send legitimate responses once he gets home. Which will be soon. I hope because she's on my side of the bed.


This is the email that his family received. I don't know which responses were included in the school project but I believe the obvious answer is mine. More importantly, this Q&A session was a much needed distraction for my roomie and I. As one can see, we have a lot in common: embarrassing stories, dead parents (DPC), a love for Joseph Gordon Levitt, and a need to return to Mexico to make memories for one reason or another.

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